Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Still here!

 Not much going on in this part of the country, other than just waiting for better times and weather. This is one of those years when it is stiflingly hot, and of course covered in smoke. Today was one of the better        ( clear) days that we have had. Plus the forecast claimed that it wasn't going to get that hot for a change. I think that I have only flown three or four times this summer. The weather is just too cranky to even bother. I keep hoping that they will get some of the fires out that are blanketing us. Most days the visibility is less than 10 miles, when we are used to 60 to 80 miles of visibility. Call me spoiled if you wish, but you would need a seeing eye bird to figure out where you are going this year. Unfortunately the bird that I have would most likely be happy if I didn't return.

The wind has been relentless as well this year. When we moved here Karen and I bought some dwarf trees for the yard. Two apples, and two plumbs. The apple trees have almost always produced great apples and lots more than we could use. The plums not so much. The wind was a bit rowdy one evening, but other than some straight line winds, not too unusual. The next morning I did my usual break of day tour to see if anything had changed, to find this.

It of course was full of apples. The tree broke just below the surface of the ground.

This is "Bud" all grown up and really quite a bird. He is all that you could ever ask for as far as potential. He is fearless, stalking kitty cats hold no fear for him. Attack at your peril, if you are so foolish. He is a lot like a mule, in that he aims if he decides that you are bothering him with things like a hood. He would much prefer to bite his "attacker" rather than the offending object. He is stubborn to a fault, and never gives up. In all honesty This guy, if I can manage it, will be a force to be reckoned with, but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't "take the next bus out of here." Not having a helper to assist in times of need, as well of a serious case of stupidity, taught him to suspect me of "devious intentions". I am sure that suspicion will stick with him for the rest of his life. There is a slight chance that I might be able to blunt that enough that he will achieve at least some of the potential that is there.


I basically shamed my self into flying today. The wind was down to manageable speeds and the smoke for the most part went North today. I pulled a few pictures off the video for you.

Crooked Creek just before it dumps into the Owyhee.

Fishing hole

 Pillars of Rome

July is always the hottest month in this region, and I am hoping that the fires will soon burn out and we can get some weather that will be a little bit more moderate.