Thursday, December 24, 2015

December 24, 2015

As you can see, Christmas has come to the Desert. We are finally getting getting a white Christmas. We have been dry for quite a long time. So far we have gotten at least twice our normal rain fall for the year. 4.5 inches is our average and I think we got that in November. I am hopeful that all the aquifer reservoirs are back to normal. All of the ponds or "dug outs" are designed to gather the run off from seasonal springs that with normal winter water levels, flow most of the year around. These numerous little ponds supply water to support much more varied wildlife than one would imagine. The desert only looks empty.

An update is due for Jessie. I have decided that the year is a bust and better left behind. I have been flying her on the Kite to keep her condition up to snuff. That is, when the weather cooperates.

 The 42.5 is straight line wind, not a gust. The kite that I have is a good one, but anything over 15 MPH is an awful lot of hassle. The last time we tried to fly her, the wind was hitting 17-24 MPH. Jessie took off, flew around a bit and landed on my shoulder. I couldn't blame her. The wind has not abated in the slightest. I will most likely give her another chance next fall. She has flown for me for 11 years, and been an awesome falcon, taking every thing from Geese to Sage Grouse. Her parents
died at 12 and 13. That doesn't mean that her attitude will be any different, but if you go by a comparison she is about 80 in people years. If she would rather not hunt, I don't have a problem making a ?pet? out of her.

In the spring I will either get a hybrid Peregrine/ Gyr from a breeder that I know or take a young Prairie Falcon from the wild. I am getting up there as well, so I am not sure that I can find an eyrie that I can get my old wrinkled ass into to get one. It wouldn't do to fall off a cliff out in the outback. My biggest fear here is being the object of a search party.

Karen and I are doing quite well considering, and enjoying ourselves tremendously in the process. We would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas, and hope that you all are doing as well as we are.

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