Micky Basin
Mici, Sandy, Mike & me
Mici, Sandy, Mike & me
This one we called Soda Lake
Micky Hot Springs
Boyd, Larry,Sandy and Mici
Boyd, Larry,Sandy and Mici
Mud vent
Steam Vent
boiling spring
Mourning Dove kill
Almost all the pictures are courtesy of Mike Marker.
The wind was beginning to come up, and the forecast was predicting 30 or more MPH by about 11 AM, so we bounced our way back home, had lunch and a nap.
The wind did come up, but begin to moderate a bit by about 5PM, so I picked up Hope and loaded all the volunteers that I could find and we made our way to a Rabbit field to see if we could get a Jack for Hope.
My intention was to wound a Jack with a rifle so that Hope would have a guaranteed chance to get her feet on a live Jack. Jacks are smart enough that the chances of her catching one unaided is pretty unlikely.
We got in the field and Hope's first chase was on a Western Whiptail lizard, and she didn't stand a chance. She came back to the fist, and within another 100 yards John shot a Jack. As soon as Hope saw it she was on it.
I let her eat all she could hold, and as you can see she got into it pretty deep. Anytime you are covered with that much blood, you must have had a good time.
Partial Congrats only because it was a hampered jack BUT Hope did respond positively and went down on it.She's on her way to now doing it all herself. It won't be long until FULL congrats will be on their way when Hope does it all herself. Harris hawks make it fun to romp in the field cause most of them are dependable and succesful depending upon the training by the falconer. I can easily say that Hope is getting all the best training she'll need to be a really good hunting hawk.
ReplyDeletePartial Congrats only because it was a hampered jack BUT Hope did respond positively and went down on it.She's on her way to now doing it all herself. It won't be long until FULL congrats will be on their way when Hope does it all herself. Harris hawks make it fun to romp in the field cause most of them are dependable and succesful depending upon the training by the falconer. I can easily say that Hope is getting all the best training she'll need to be a really good hunting hawk.