We have been scrambling all the last week trying to get everything done before the proposed operation on the 22nd. One of the requirements seems to be a visit to the dentist. All cavities have to be filled and a release from the Dentist filed. It seems that she had a small infection from her partial, so now the operation is postponed until that clears up. Karen is quite disappointed. It requires quite a process of acceptance to prepare oneself to such a serious and invasive surgery, not to mention the recovery time, and she I am sure feels a serious let down. Now she is going to have to go through all this again. Since she is on warfarin to keep her blood thin enough that her mechanical valve that she had put in 20 years ago, I have to give her shots of a different drug in her stomach until the surgery can be completed. Now we get to go through it all again. I am sure its for the best, but still a pain.
We want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas!
I'm sure with the let down you both are stressed. That and having to get shots in the stomach can't be any fun. Joyce and I wish you both the best. I would have also thought that with all the new drugs today that warfin would be outdated.I used to have to take that and it's a pain it self to get and keep everything stable with the blood.Keep us posted and you two have a Merry Christmas also.