After we left the Bear VAlley area the first thing I did was go to O'Reilly's in Klamath Falls to get some batteries for the trailer. When I closed it up to make the move I had to have Connie hold the button down while I pushed from the outside. It was slow but we were able to close the slide back up again.
A year after I retired from the Railroad we sold this place to a Couple who have since become our friends. We try to get together at least once a year. This year it was apparently our turn. They have done well with the place and it is quite beautiful. Our camping spot is the place that our mobile home used to sit.
The place looks like a park. I used to grow hay and alfalfa under the trees.
We enjoyed our visit very much, there was a bit of nostalgia in seeing the area again, but it no longer felt like home. I was only a tourist visiting.
Where did they put their home? by Jiggs spot?