Wednesday, September 21, 2022

16th Annual Rock House Fly-in

The dwindling number of Kolb Flyers once again met in the High Desert of S.E. Oregon. As usual the ones attending had a great time. Again as seems to be the norm, the weather was good, but smoky from the fires in Northern California. The smoke rolled in on the exact date schedualed for the first arrivals, and left the day after every body went home. It never got so bad that we couldn't fly, as long as you had a GPS. The landmarks were pretty faint. The food was good, the company even better. 

Mike Markers Carbon Cub, Mike Armstrong's Kolb Mark III, Roger Hankins Firestar I, My Firestar II. John Bickhams, Bear Cat parked on the tiedowns on the hill.

This year I had some help and things went much smoother. A childhood sweetheart from WVa called me and for a change we both were alone at the same time. She came  for a visit and we decided that it was time that we join together for the rest of our lives. She loves the area, and has no problem with the solitude or the work required to make our lives comfortable. 



  1. She's easy on the eyes. I bet Karen would approve.

  2. That's pretty awesome that ppl are still coming to enjoy the fly in. Hoping to get your way soon as soon as the Dr. appointments stop and arrange for critter care. Love you bunches

  3. Happy for you, Larry. The new lady has a joyful face... maybe we will meet her one day.
