Thursday, May 10, 2018

Tiger's Camping trip.

With my current situation it is hard for me to go anywhere overnight. I can leave the Birds for at least one day of fasting, but leaving the Cat is a different situation. I need to make sure he gets his inhaler in the morning and the last thing at night. Yeah, I know, there are lots of cats, but this sucker is a bit different than the run of the mill puddy cat. Beside Karen would find a way to get even with me if I offed him. In fact the sucker has wormed his way into my affection not to mention impressed me with his adaptability.

Its pretty easy to get someone to drop what they need to do to come over and toss some quail to Jessie and Hope. Giving Tiger his inhaler treatment at 10 PM is a bit of a different story. So I have been exposing him to traveling. The Fifth Wheel is a no brainer. He thinks of it as his other home. He also doesn't mind riding in the truck. in fact he curls up and goes to sleep with the dogs. I noticed in the past that he would home on the fifth wheel, and was safe to let out to explore and whiz.

I took the fifth wheel in to get the heater fan replaced, slide awning also replaced, kitchen sink faucet also replaced and wheel bearings packed. Found out that it needed brakes as well. Then on the way home blew out a tire, but got lucky in that the rim wasn't ruined and there was no damage to the trailer itself.

My lady friend and I decided to take it on a test run, to Idlewild camp grounds on the way to her work site. Since I need four new tires, Burns was the place to get them and the campgrounds are just a few miles out of town. She would spend the night and then go on to her work at Silvies Resort the next morning.

After I arrived at the site I wanted,  I turned every one out of the truck and finished getting the trailer settled. Connie arrived in her rig, and we sat around a campfire and let the critters explore. I use shock collars on the dogs, but set it to "audible" in case I need to get their attention or to keep them from straying too far. Tiger really liked the woods, but stayed close to the rig and us.

Since it is so early in the year, we pretty well had the entire camp ground to ourselves. Tiger was quite responsible, and I didn't have to go looking for him at all. I got up about 5 AM while it was still dark and the dogs and I went out to water the shrubbery, Tiger went as well. I was a bit worried due to the Owls and possible Coyotes, but he did his business and came right back in without prompting.

It looks like I have a traveling partner.