Sunday, May 20, 2018

First fishing trip of the year.

Rafting season is over and it is time to check the Owyhee to see if its possible to do a bit of fishing there. My lady friend, Connie, was here and it was the perfect opportunity for her to see some different country and for us to have a little variation for dinner.

We loaded the quad with the things that we would need for an afternoon trip, and headed out. Its still a bit early for wildflowers, but with the light rains that we have been having they all couldn't stay dormant, so we had a few to admire.

I haven't actually been here for about two years, so it had grown up a bit. I was pretty busy with my guiding duties, so I was a bit remiss in my picture taking. The water was surprisingly high, so the sand bars that I normally use to fish from were still under water.

The fish were there and the bass were spawning. All had were carrying eggs just about ready for their beds. There were clumps of weeds floating down river that would occasionally gather on our lines. We caught about 8 Bass and then turned to Catfish. I tossed my line out and before I could even start getting Connie's line ready, had a Catfish on it. I gave it to Connie to handle and continued with my task. It was a 16 inch Catfish. I got Connie's line in the water and it didn't take very long until one was nibbling on her line. This one was a bit different. It was 22 inches long and quite heavy. That made plenty for a dinner, so we loaded up and headed back.

The water is still about a foot too high, but it is fishable  anyway. Looks to be pretty good as far as fish numbers.