Friday, September 9, 2016

Full of surprises!

Things are beginning to get a bit hectic here now. I went to Winnemucca this morning at 4 AM to get Karen and Mici, her niece off the train from Colorado. A long time friend from Alabama got here last week. Another friend flew in from Brigham City Utah today. A couple form Baton Rouge arrived yesterday afternoon.  another couple from NM tomorrow, three more from Western Oregon will complete our annual fall get together. It is a great time for all of us, good company, lots of food and fun. But busy.

I finally caught up enough to go out to get Hope to see how much I had overfed her. I went out the first time and she flew off the perch when I offered her my fist. I left her for a couple of hours to think about it. I went back again and this time she got on my fist. She weighed 951 grams when I put her on the scales. Then I understood why she had refused the fist the first time. I was pretty sure that I had reached saturation point, but decided to carry her for a bit anyway.

While walking around with her, I noticed that she was trying to jump to different perches to get me to call her. I sat with her a bit, and she kept pulling at my glove, so I tossed a tidbit on the ground. She flew down to it and then back to the fist. I tossed several for her and she was anxious to come to me, so I cut her loose and put her on the hot tub. No problem or hesitation in coming when called. I then started walking away and at about 20 feet she came without me calling. I let her do that three times and then gave her the rest of the food that I had prepared for her. Her keel is pretty well level across.I am actually stalling and repeating lessons unnecessarily because of the demands on my time. Tomorrow will be different. Its time for her to see game.

Thursday, September 8, 2016


I noticed that I forgot to mention that the Cat Food bandit was a pack Rat. I set a live trap in the Cat House in the afternoon, and went back about 7 PM to check. It had been triggered by Mice, so I reset it. Brick was with me and alerted behind the feed barrels. I looked and the Rat was there. I went back to the house to get a BB gun and Josie. The Rat gave me a quick shot and I hit it in the Eye but a glancing blow. It raced up the wall to a hole in the ceiling and out of sight.

This morning he was in the trap, so I took him out for Josie to play with. She just loves Rats and Mice and will play with them as long as they don't bite her. Play time is over when she gets bit.    password - owyheeflyer

Hope was at 923 grams today, and still did well. I will give her a few more days getting her used to flying to the fist, then will enter her on Rabbits sometime around the first of next week.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Free, Free at last!

Sorry, I couldn't help the title. Hope flew free today and did just great. She never considered the fact that she might not have been tied any more. That is a good thing because the transmitter that I thought that I had clipped into her center deck was lying in the yard. :-/

I have decided to start leaving her outside from now on. One consideration is that I am going to be having a house full of friends in just a few days. Our fall fly-in will be off the ground beginning tomorrow. Its not for Hope's sake that I am moving her, merely because I need the space.

I built a partition this morning so that I can feed Jessie without torturing Hope.

Much better! While I was keeping Hope in the house it wasn't a problem, but its time for her to go outside. She will burn more food with the cooler temps.

When I fed Hope Monday night, I fed her all she could hold, then tied her to her outside perch. I left her out until this morning, when I wanted to feed Jessie. I was pleased to note that she weighed just under 900 grams. After finishing the partition, I picked her up to continue her lessons. Karen and I had installed a tail fitting on her center deck feather the first thing when we got her. I asked John H to hold her while I tried to clip the transmitter in the clip, and thought that I had done so.  However after turning her loose and jumping her to the fist and calling her several times, interrupted by the Fed EX lady, I discovered that the transmitter was lying on the lawn. Oh well, sometimes you get lucky.

I am somehow going to have to lock the cat up each time I fly Hope. The Damn Cat wants to follow us around as if he could somehow help. Hope has so far ignored him, but that isn't going to last.

I still think that Hope is still a bit low. She has a tendency to hold onto my glove fingers and not letting go, Today I just tossed a tidbit on the ground to get her to let go. In all the times that I called her to the fist, she never hesitated for a fraction of a second. I tossed the lure for her, and she was on it as soon as I threw it. There is always a tendency for them to not want to let the lure go. I overcame that by tossing tidbits out in front of her.

We have been noticing that the outside Cat food has been disappearing at a seriously fast rate. I put two trail cameras out there and found that it takes a bit over 10 hours and 1, 274 trips to transfer 1/2 a gallon of cat food to the attic of the "Cat House". Judgement day is coming!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Day 13, ready to fly

Yesterday I flew Hope to the fist three times and then gave her the rest of her meal. 3 oz total. She weighed 884 and this afternoon she weighed 900 grams. She still has a good metabolism for a Harris Hawk.

After feeding her I was checking the computer and there was a boom a bit like a house blowing up. I looked at the sky and it was clear to the South East, but overhead there were some nasty clouds building.

 If you click on the pictures they will expand to full size.

 You can see that from the house the storm wasn't visible.

In the morning yesterday we had a rain storm that dropped 1/2 inch of water on the ground. Highly unusual for us. It then cleared up until late afternoon then this blew up and dropped another 1/4 inch. Great news for us. It did more for my runway than I could have done with 20 full water trucks.

I am going to town for supplies tomorrow, so my intention was to feed Hope all she could eat today, and fast her tomorrow. I picked her up off the perch and tied a creance on her swivel so that I could walk and fly her from different objects. I took her out to the shop to weigh her, and she topped out at 900 grams.

Karen's cat Tiger was outside, unknown to me. I rolled up the creance one handed which I had left on the lawn. The cat soon found the loose end. I called hope a short little hop and she came with no hesitation. I walked to the other side of the hanger and had to pry her off my first finger of the glove. Something tells me that 900 is a bit low for her. I finally got her loose and called her again with no hesitation. I walked to the corral and set her on the feed bunk, stepped back about 12 feet. Again she did not hesitate. I set her down again and turned to walk back and tripped over the *&%$#@*** Cat. Now the last thing I am interested in is trying to separate a Cat from from a hungry Harris Hawks toes all by myself. I of course yelled at the Cat, who of course ignored me. All he can see is the lovely string that I am dragging around with me. I finally stepped closer to the hawk and called her. John was in his chair snoozing, so I woke him up to get the Cat and stick him in his 5th wheel until I finished with Hope. I then called her about 18 feet to a Jack hind leg for the finish to the lesson.

I will not feed her tomorrow and on Wed if she is down close to 900, I will probably fly her loose.