Sunday, August 12, 2012

Flight down Jordan Creek

This morning dawned smokey as is usual these last few weeks, but I had determined to get a flight in to check for stuck Cows at the ranch next door, and to go to Rome to see if any of the young Kestrels were ready for Tami and I to trap. It is getting on to the fall hunting time, and she needs a new partner to advance her education. This fall and new bird will complete her training period as a novice. Quite frankly she is ready now.

The fires are still raging, and the BLM is still mucking about and really not seeming to care how much of the range they allow to burn up. Tami and Dave are out fighting the fires, leaving the ranch underhanded.

After checking the Pot Hole field and the Alfalfa for Antelope, I turned towards Rome. I have enough footage of the Pillars that I will put together a short video of that flight when I get a chance. I checked the wires where we caught Jasper last year, but there was nothing on them except Doves. I am not sure if the hatch was bad, or I am just being too impatient.

After cruising the valley, I decided to make a flight down Jordan Creek from where it enters the Canyon to where it dumps out into the Owyhee River. I have flown it at least three times and each time my camera malfunctioned. It was time to try again.

I flew over the Canyon to give a bit of perspective of what it looks like, then turned down it from the Arock, Oregon side. In the interest of brevity, I sped up the clips over the Canyon to four times normal speed. Sometimes it would be nice to cover that much ground, but I can see a lot more at my normal speed.

The Password is owyheeflyer

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