Friday, October 20, 2017


The weather service is warning of a serious storm coming through the West for the 20th. so we decided to fly Hope on the 19th before the weather got too bad. We will be on the Southern edge, but it pays to err on the side of caution here. Wind is of course the biggest problem. I went out to get Hope and found that she weighed 920. I am pretty sure that is too heavy for her to be agile enough to catch a Jack, but there is little choice other than to hope for the best.

We went to one of the older fields that I have hunted in the past. It has had Cows on it all fall, and therefore off limits, so I have no idea of the rabbit populations.

Unfortunately it appeared that I was right, she does need to be a little lighter. She tried her best, but couldn't haul her bulk around corners fast enough to get her toes into anything of substance. I hunted for two hours and quit when the wind began to increase in strength.

Here is the only tree in the entire area? that has any fall colors. Of course you can't see all that many trees anyhow. 

This is the sunset on the evening of the 19th.

This is what it looks like this morning. 

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