Wednesday, April 15, 2020


This has been a very interesting spring for us, as I am sure it has for you as well. I was exchanging emails with a "fellow" flyer, Artie, and she mentioned that she was going flying. I told her that I would also like to do the same, but the weather was a bit too "western" to do so. She didn't understand the phrase and asked me to elaborate. I sent her a picture and then it became clear to her.

I have never seen so many "lenticular" clouds in my life, as I have this spring. It seems to be blowing storms by us almost every day. If they would dump some of their load on the way things might be just a little better, but they seem to hang on until they get to Idaho to drop their collection of moisture. We have had winds in the 30's for almost a week.

Jessie went back into her mews yesterday and seems content to stay out of the wind. I don't think she has left her mews at all since last evening.


  1. Beautiful pictures. I am afraid that this strange weather we are experiencing is a precursor to a wild hurricane season. Not looking forward to that.....
    Glad to hear more Jessie updates.

  2. We're looking for rain here, too, in Plum Valley II. A bit windy but I'm not knocking the temps ... mid 60s all week!
