Friday, September 2, 2016

Another nice step, Flying to the fist.

Hope weighed a bit higher at 884 today, (10 grams, almost half an oz above her pickup weight) but was still very anxious to eat. I noticed that her mutes (The term for crap. Interestingly enough the semi solid dark parts of a hawks mutes is the poop, and the white liquid part is urine. Just thought you might be interested in such trivia. :-)  was totally white, indicating that she still had food in her system. As I mentioned earlier the green tinge in the urine of the mutes is the digestive fluids and indicates that the stomach is totally empty. So anyway, Hope is putting on weight, and thus should be less responsive. I didn't think that was going to be the case with Hope. She is still anxious to eat. Gotta love that!

A friend, Sandy came down at my invitation to do some Rabbit shopping. Her daughter has Yogi and the food was getting scarce. I offered since the ranches are being overrun with Jack Rabbits. She got here about 6 in the afternoon and we went over to the ranch next door. I shot eight in the day light. We went home, got those cooling and around 9 PM went back over with my quad and lights. When we got back to the house at about 1 AM we had 28 more rabbits to cool.

We chopped them into meal sized pieces this morning and Sandy departed for home with 21 Jacks. Her daughter wrote me this afternoon saying that her freezer was now full. Mine only has room for  10 or 15 more as well. The interesting part of the rabbits lying on the floor is that almost all of them are young of the year. The older rabbits will have Bot flies in them and there were only two bot flies among the whole bunch.


I picked Hope up to weigh her and she was up a bit as I mentioned, but her body language is still telling me that she is willing to do what ever it takes to get food. I finally was able to dig up a creance for her lesson today. I sat her on the wire spool, stepped back about three feet, offered her a tidbit on the fist and she was right there, no hesitation at all. I called her about four times with the last one being the last of the bunny in the form of a hind leg. No problem for her, no hesitation. Then after she finished the last of the bunny, I foolishly gave her a Jack Rabbit head to chew on. Knowing that it will likely tip her over the top tomorrow, but unable to resist rewarding her for her progress. Oh well, I need to know where her top weight is, might as well find out now.

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