Sunday, June 2, 2019


Wonder of wonders today dawned calm and clear. Its probably one of the few mornings that the ground wasn't wet from rainfall the night before. The wind wasn't blowing either. That was really strange. I woke up at 0530 and the temperature was already at 56 degrees. 50 degrees is my cut off for flying, At that temperature I am quite comfortable with just a jacket. I have been a bit shy about flying since Karen's death. There is just something about not having a radio back up that makes one a bit more cautious. I leave the door open for the Dogs and Cat, just in case I don't come back.

I have a couple of friends coming and they expressed an interest in seeing some of the feral horses that infest this country. (There are just too many) There was about 1400 of them in the Sheepshead's last year, so I wanted to check the roads to see if it was possible to get up there. There is no excuse for tearing up the roads, so it was best to check, besides it gave me a mission for an excuse to fly.

It didn't take all that long to decide that I wasn't going to drive up there, besides I didn't see any horses. They were hanging out on the side hills along Hwy 78 going towards Burns. I saw a couple of Antelope that had survived the drought and the Horses that kept them off the waterholes last fall.
I flew for an hour, burned 4 gallons of fuel. The plane performed perfectly and best of all, I had fun.    password    owyheeflyer

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good day. When you do see horses, please post some pics. That would be of interest to me.
