Monday, January 6, 2020

Sunrises, Sunsets and a new video

While it is "winter mode" for me, I have been a little bit active. The Sun Rises and Sets have been just spectacular. While parts of the back drop, Horns and trees for Sunrises, loading chutes and nothing but the Sunset itself are Sunrises from the West. Perhaps you may get tired and jaded with the continual "Sunrise" shots, I do not believe that I ever will. I love this country, its wildness, its stark beauty and the people that live in it.

I was asked by Harry Stoddart one of the owners of the ranch next door, if I would edit some video's that he had shot of one of their "Rodears." ( A rodear is the gathering of stock by riders and held in place by only riders and their stock dogs.) and of course the root of the word Rodeo, which is of course the showcasing of the talents needed to be a rancher. This is what I came up with.        This one does not require a password.

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