Saturday, October 24, 2020

Kimball Park, Fort Klamath,Or

 On our way to Crater Lake, we made a side trip to Kimball Park. It is the headwaters of the Wood River that is a Blue Ribbon Trout Stream and one of the most beautiful parks that I have ever visited.

The water is crystal clear and cold.

Connie is standing at the spot that the water comes out of the ground.

Josie and Brick were of course having a great time.
The park was empty when we arrived and they were
able to run free.

When I lived in the area there were huge Brown Trout that lived in these waters, and resisted every offering that I could dream up to try.


  1. Beautiful. I'm sure it's even better with no people! I'm glad you and Connie got to experience a day like that.

  2. It is beautiful. Bridget, Diane and I canoed from Bridget's to where Connie is standing. How close did the fire get?
